


What’s New in Next.js 14?

Without a doubt, the Next.js JavaScript framework is generating the most attention in the front-end world. It remains to be seen if this attention is entirely positive, but undeniable progress is currently unfolding in this domain. In this article, we’ll examine the newest version, Next.js 14.

What’s New In Angular 17?

In early 2023, Sarah Drashner, Google's Engineering Director and head of the Angular team, coined the term "Angular Renaissance" to describe the renewed focus on the framework for developing modern JavaScript applications over the last seven years.

Custom Standalone APIs for Angular

Together with standalone components, the Angular team has introduced the so-called standalone APIs. They provide a simple solution for library setup and do not require Angular modules. Popular libraries that already implement this concept include the HttpClient, Router, and NgRx. These libraries are based on several patterns that we find beneficial in our own projects. They also provide our library users with familiar structures and behaviors. In this article, I show three such patterns that I derived from the libraries mentioned.

Real-Time in Angular: A journey into Websocket and RxJS

Real-time is an interesting topic to consider these days. The demand for real-time functionality to be implemented in modern web applications has grown tremendously. The sooner you have the data, the quicker you can react and make decisions. Thus, the chance for higher profits is huge. In this article we will discuss how to implement this real-time feature in your Angular application using WebSocket and RxJS.

Angular Code Smells

Writing frontend applications is a complex process, it involves lots of difficult scenarios, a myriad of tools and, of course, browser support. But leaving that aside, keeping a high-quality codebase that is maintainable over the long term is just as complicated. In this article, we aim to give you a list of the most villainous coding smells you might run into when writing Angular apps, and the respective solution or alternative.

How to develop GraphQL frontends with Angular and React

GraphQL, the web API query language developed by Facebook, has been gaining attention for several years now. But while a lot of articles on the subject examined the server-side in detail, the client itself got less attention. This article will focus on the usage of a GraphQL interface in the frontend, while also taking a closer look at both Angular and React.

Web Components & Micro Apps: Angular, React & Vue peacefully united?

Angular, React, Vue or some other framework: Which one are you going to use on your next project? The JavaScript ecosystem offers so many choices and all of them have their pros and cons for any given project, making it difficult to choose just one. But there is a solution to that: With micro apps and web components, you can use whatever works best for any single part of your project.

Angular Reactive Forms: Building Custom Form Controls

Angular’s reactive forms module enables us to build and manage complexed forms in our application using a simple but powerful model. You can build your own custom form controls that work seamlessly with the Reactive Forms API. The core idea behind form controls is the ability to access a control’s value. This is done with a set of directives that implement the ControlValueAccessor interface.

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