Level up your Angular: Create worldclass User Experiences!

Conquer Angular performance with Ahead of Time compiler and RxJS, and explore the impact of optional Zone.js. Build high-performance single Page Application and Progressive Web Apps with confidence. Learn Angular migration secrets from the experts and grasp the art of crafting clean, maintainable, and scalable Angular code using industry-proven best practices.


Learn from Industry Leaders:

    • Modern Angular Architectures: Learn the latest features like Standalone Components, Module Federation, and Signals
    • Micro Frontends with Angular: Implement micro frontend architectures that allow for deployment of small, self-contained features.
    • State Management: Explore different approaches to state management in Angular applications, including the new NGRX Signal Store and RxJS.
    • Advanced Techniques: Dive into advanced topics like functional programming, lazy loading, and server-side rendering with Angular.
    • Testing: Learn best practices for testing Angular applications, including unit testing, component testing, and end-to-end testing.
    • Best Practices: Gain insights from experienced developers on best practices for building and maintaining Angular applications. 


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