Master Node.js Development from Security to Scalability

Master the power of Node.js for building scalable, high-performance web applications. Dive into modern server-side development with frameworks like Express.js and NestJS. Explore microservices architecture for modularity and maintainability. Master asynchronous programming concepts for efficient data handling. This track equips you to build robust and efficient Node.js applications that can handle real-world demands.


Learn from Industry Leaders:

  • Security in Node.js Explore strategies for securing Node.js applications against common vulnerabilities and security threats.
  • Testing and QA: Learn about various testing methodologies and tools for ensuring the reliability and quality of Node.js codebases.
  • Performance Optimize the performance of Node.js apps, including runtime environments and code optimization strategies.
  • Advanced Node.js Discover advanced Node.js concepts such as multithreading, V8 internals, alternative JavaScript engines, and performance optimization techniques.
  • Data Access Gain insights into different approaches to database integration in Node.js and the role of ORM solutions

Track Speakers London 2024

Thank you for a successful iJS London 2024 | Check back soon for our 2025 lineup!

Track Speakers San Diego 2024

Track Speakers New York

Track Speakers Munich 2024

Track Speakers Singapore 2024

Track Program Singapore 2024

Track Program London 2024

Thank you for a successful iJS London 2024 | Check back soon for our 2025 lineup!

Track Program Munich 2024

Track Program New York 2024

Track Program San Diego 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

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Track Sessions Munich 2024

Track Sessions Munich 2024

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Track Sessions Singapore 2024

Track Sessions Singapore 2024

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Track Sessions London 2024

Track Sessions London 2024

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Track Sessions San Diego 2024

Track Sessions San Diego 2024

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From Basic concepts to unidirectional data flows