Craft the Future: Essential Skills for Web Developers

Master the Web Development Workflow in a new professional way! Craft exceptional websites with this deep dive into HTML, CSS & JavaScript - the web's building blocks. Explore their synergy to achieve semantic structure, stunning visuals, and dynamic interactions. Uncover accessibility best practices & modern development tools (such as linters & Git) for a smooth and highly efficient developer workflow.

General Web Development

Learn from Industry Leaders:

  • Web Architecture: Explore essential best practices for building scalable & maintainable webapps and websites
  • Empower your Workflow: Discover cutting-edge AI-driven development tools and learn how to integrate them into your workflows seamlessly
  • AI on the Web: Uncover the potential of AI-powered web applications including chatbots, personalized recommendations, and intelligent content creation.
  • Web Security: Master techniques for user (password less) authentication, data protection, and defense against common threats like XSS & SQL injection.
  • Speed it Up: Discover strategies for fast & responsive websites with code optimization, caching, and image best practices.
  • Future-Proof your Sites: Explore exciting trends like PWAs (offline web apps) & WebAssembly for innovative features and experiences.


Track Speaker Singapore 2024

Track Speakers London 2024

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Track Speakers Munich 2024

Track Speakers New York

Track Program Singapore 2024

Track Program London 2024

Thank you for a successful iJS London 2024 | Check back soon for our 2025 lineup!

iJS New York 2024 Track Program

Track Program Munich 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

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Track Sessions Munich 2024

Track Sessions Munich 2024

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Track Sessions Singapore 2024

Track Sessions Singapore 2024

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Track Sessions London 2024

Track Sessions London 2024

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Track Sessions San Diego 2024

Track Sessions San Diego 2024

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From Basic concepts to unidirectional data flows