Master the Art of Building Modern Web Apps

This track empowers you to build modern, scalable React applications that stay ahead of the curve. Master cutting-edge React practices to build blazing-fast, user-centric web applications. Deep dive into performance optimization with techniques like code-splitting and memoization. Explore the power of state management with Redux, MobX, or Context API.


Learn from Industry Leaders:

    • Server-side rendering (SSR): Boost performance and SEO with SSR, rendering web pages on the server for improved load times.
    • Concurrency in React: Enhance UI responsiveness with concurrent React features, managing multiple tasks simultaneously.
    • Continuous integration (CI): Automate code integration for faster cycles and higher quality, ensuring smooth testing and integration.
    • Advanced React techniques: Explore advanced React techniques for enhanced productivity and performance.

Track Speakers Singapore 2024

The 2024 program will be announced soon. Until the, take a look back at our 2023 lineup.

Track Speakers London 2024

Thank you for a successful iJS London 2024 | Check back soon for our 2025 lineup!

Track Speakers New York

Track Speakers Munich 2024

Track Program New York 2024

Track Program Singapore 2024

The 2024 program will be announced soon. Until then, take a look back at our 2023 lineup.

Track Program London 2024

Thank you for a successful iJS London 2024 | Check back soon for our 2025 lineup!

Track Program Munich 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

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Track Sessions Munich 2024

Track Sessions Munich 2024

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Track Sessions Singapore 2024

Track Sessions Singapore 2024

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Track Sessions London 2024

Track Sessions London 2024

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Track Sessions San Diego 2024

Track Sessions San Diego 2024

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JavaScript Practices & Tools

DevOps, Testing, Performance, Toolchain & SEO


Best-Practises with Angular

General Web Development

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All about Node.js


From Basic concepts to unidirectional data flows