iJS Fullstack Day

November 11, 2024 | Munich or online

iJS Fullstack Day

Martina Kraus
Kraus IT Consulting
Hannah Ebert
Hannah Ebert
adesso SE
Max Schulte
Max Marschall
Thinktecture AG
Sebastian Springer
Sebastian Springer
MaibornWolff GmbH
Peter Kröner
Florian Sowade
Suora GmbH

iJS Fullstack Day gives you a bird’s eye view of best proven practices that make JavaScript development a modern, professional engineering process. During this full day experience, experts will share their knowledge about modern JavaScript engineering and help you take your web development to the next level.

Are you a new or an experienced JavaScript developer? Do you work with a smart team of talented JavaScript developers? Do you create high-quality code that makes your customers happy? That’s great! But you can do even better.

Learn how to implement more automation in your development process, more quality, and more effectiveness. Understand how to improve architecture, test automation, security checks, and deployment. 

Content & Process

At iJS Fullstack Day, you’ll experience how to significantly improve your web development. You’ll learn about the following topics:

  • Architectural patterns: Learn which architectural approaches are best suited for your project, for your client – discussed are concepts such as MVC, MVVM or MVU, micro frontends, and more
  • Modern tooling: Performance optimization, APIs to the backend world, and useful code generators significantly increased efficiency
  • Development process & deployment: Optimize your CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery), discuss the benefits of containerized apps, and understand modern concepts like hydration
  • Monorepo vs. Multi-Repo: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches? When should you use one or the other? Let’s find out what works best – for you!
  • Ask the experts: Discuss many more things that you’d like to know about modern, highly efficient web development processes and get the answers to help you push forward


Angular, React or Vue?

At the beginning of the day, speakers will look into framework choices. Angular or React? Which framework is best for my project? Discover the particular advantages of these frameworks and gain a deeper understanding of the entire lifecycle from the first sketch, to development, and production.

Node & Docker

From Node to CI

The second topic area of Fullstack Day is focussed on topics like Node.js and Docker. Discuss various strategies for backend and deployment — get a deeper understanding of server-side JavaScript and containerization.

Latest trends

What's new?

During the third block, you will learn about the latest technology trends in the webtech world. Have you given WebAssembly a try? Do you know about the latest testing tools? Topics can vary depending on current hot trends, but there will always be up-to-date knowledge waiting for you!


Ask anything

The last part of the day is all about you: The speakers will discuss your questions from different angles. Join in, gain a broader understanding of the topics presented during the day, and get in touch with the speakers.


Topics providing new ideas

Interactive talks

Experienced speakers and experts

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JavaScript Practices & Tools

DevOps, Testing, Performance, Toolchain & SEO


Best-Practises with Angular

General Web Development

Broader web development topics


All about Node.js


From Basic concepts to unidirectional data flows