
International JavaScript Conference


Deno – the end of Node.js?

Will Deno make everything better and replace Node.js? Node.js has long been an established environment for the execution of server-side JavaScript. Modern IT landscapes would be unthinkable without it; companies like Uber or Netflix have been using Node.js for years. But with the release of Deno, a server-side execution environment for TypeScript and JavaScript, this could soon change. Outdated traditions are ended and modern concepts are introduced. Will Deno join the IT landscape or even push the veteran Node.js from its place?

Real-Time in Angular: A journey into Websocket and RxJS

Real-time is an interesting topic to consider these days. The demand for real-time functionality to be implemented in modern web applications has grown tremendously. The sooner you have the data, the quicker you can react and make decisions. Thus, the chance for higher profits is huge. In this article we will discuss how to implement this real-time feature in your Angular application using WebSocket and RxJS.

Angular Code Smells

Writing frontend applications is a complex process, it involves lots of difficult scenarios, a myriad of tools and, of course, browser support. But leaving that aside, keeping a high-quality codebase that is maintainable over the long term is just as complicated. In this article, we aim to give you a list of the most villainous coding smells you might run into when writing Angular apps, and the respective solution or alternative.

Node.js is Dead – Long live Deno!

Deno is a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, created by Ryan Dahl - the original creator of Node.js. The project is intended to fix design problems in Node.js described in Dahl's famous talk "10 Things I Regret About Node.js". We talked to Krzysztof Piechowicz (adesso AG) about the differences between Node.js and Deno. In the iJS video, Piechowicz goes into the topic in more detail and shows what is possible with Deno.

How to develop GraphQL frontends with Angular and React

GraphQL, the web API query language developed by Facebook, has been gaining attention for several years now. But while a lot of articles on the subject examined the server-side in detail, the client itself got less attention. This article will focus on the usage of a GraphQL interface in the frontend, while also taking a closer look at both Angular and React.

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