pnpm – The High-Performance Package Manager

If you’re looking to improve your Java Script and TypeScript development workflow, pnpm is a high-performance package manager that outshines npm and Yarn. With its superior speed, efficient package handling, and robust workspace support, pnpm optimizes dependency management. Whether you’re installing or updating packages or managing a monorepo, pnpm reduces...

What’s New in Next.js 14?

Without a doubt, the Next.js JavaScript framework is generating the most attention in the front-end world. It remains to be seen if this attention is entirely positive, but undeniable progress is currently unfolding in this domain. In this article, we’ll examine the newest version, Next.js 14.

Is Remix Better Than Next.js?

Remix specializes in server-side rendered websites and promises a better developer and user experience and faster load times with an innovative approach to routing. In the React ecosystem, Next.js has established itself as the technology for dynamic websites. Since the late 2021, Remix is a new contender from the makers...

Svelte 4 Under the Hood

The web framework Svelte is currently undergoing lots of great activity. In December 2022, after a long beta phase, version 1 of the official Svelte meta framework SvelteKit was finally released. Then, in June 2023, Svelte 4 was released. This article takes a look at the latest major version’s new...

Resumability in JavaScript

Fast could mean a lot of things, but in this article, we are concerned with startup performance. From the moment the user clicks on a link to navigate to a page until the page is ready for interaction. This contrasts with the update performance of how long it takes to...

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