Social Media Mojo

Top 20 JavaScript Influencers of 2017

Aug 3, 2017

The team behind International JavaScript Conference has created a ranking of JavaScript’s biggest social influencers. The study has analysed thousands of leading profiles from the JavaScript community and ranked the top accounts according to their link strength, reach and social influence.

This list doesn’t say anything about a person’s character, skill set or talent, it reflects just her/his impact on Twitter seen from an algorithmic perspective.

As we’d realized, that some members of the community – including some on the list – don’t like it, we have decided to remove it out of respect.

For those of you who are interested in how we’ve put this list together, here’s what we did:

We first generated a list of thousands of JavaScript-related Twitter accounts (including all accounts that contain the keyword JavaScript in their bio or in any of their tweets.)

To score the account and rank them accordingly, we analyzed their social authority and reach using two key metrics: MozRank and Klout.

Moz Social Authority Score: Social Authority score is composed of:

  1. The retweet rate of users’ last few hundred tweets.
  2. The recency of those tweets.
  3. A retweet-based model trained on user profile data.

Visit this MOZ blog post for more in-depth information.

Klout Score: Klout uses more than 400 signals from eight different networks to update the Klout Score daily. It’s mainly based on the ratio of reactions a user generates compared to the amount of content he shares. Read more at the Klout score blog.


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