Why the fuss about serverless?

May 16, 2018

Anticipate and exploit change before it hits you! Business is constantly changing and serverless might just be the next big thing to make the difference between success and failure. But what is all the fuss really about?

We live in a competitive world. That competition forces change. It has always forced change. Change is normal. The question is not whether our organisations will change, that’s a given, but can we see this change before it hits us, do we know where we’re heading or are we simply floating aimlessly being carried by a river? It certainly feels that way sometimes. To answer the question we need to understand our landscape, the economic forces at play, the context we operate within and our situational awareness of this. Can we navigate the waters, can we see a storm coming or are we being battered by rocks because we refuse to look?



That is what Simon Wardley talked about in his talk at International JavaScript Conference 2018 in London. During this talk called „Why the fuss about serverless“ he examines the level of situational awareness within business, why it matters and whether we can anticipate and exploit change before it hits us. The talk looks into the changes that are occurring with the development of serverless, why now, what’s important to it, how it will change the way we do business and how this interacts with the API economy. There’s a lot of fuss about serverless and in this session Simon Wardley tries to paint a clearer picture or at the very least a map of where it is going.




Session about Web Development & Architecture at the last iJS


→ Be the best You – One developers journey to fight the Imposter Syndrome

→ Production Hardened Services

→ I Don’t Care About Security (And Neither Should You)

The full Web Development & Architecture program of iJS London ’18

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