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Welcome to the latest issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference. “Time is money” is an old saying that best describes our modern world. And since a lot of business in this modern world is done via the internet, JavaScript is not immune to the demand for efficiency. We’ll look at current developments and understand them as a paradigm shift, moving focus away from developer experience, towards performance and acceleration. After all, time is money.

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Downloads – iJS Magazine


Welcome to the latest issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference. “Time is money” is an old saying that best describes our modern world. And since a lot of business in this modern world is done via the internet, JavaScript is not immune to the demand for efficiency. We’ll look at current developments and understand them as a paradigm shift, moving focus away from developer experience, towards performance and acceleration. After all, time is money.

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Whitepaper Content

  • Resumability in JavaScript
  • Island Architecture with Astro
  • Qwik City as a JavaScript Framework
  • Server-side Rendering – Back to the Roots?
  • JavaScript on the Server: What Does Node Test Runner Do?
  • tsoa: API documentation for Node.js
  • Future-proof Module Federation With Browser Technologies
  • Follow My Lead: Why Web Development Should Take an Opinionated Approach
  • Obsverables: Reactive with RxJS
  • How to Develop GraphQL Frontends with Angular and React

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Please choose the location you would like to receive our newsletter for and download the Whitepaper for free!