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Trends in JavaScript Development
Welcome to the second issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference.
For this issue of our JavaScript Magazine, we aimed to provide you the newest trends in JavaScript Development. What is the next step on the way to free choice of technology for web applications? What possibilities of the new feature of webpack 5 offers? The most important features in React at a glance, release of Angular v10 and a lot more into the JavaScript universe awaits you in this issue of our magazine!
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Downloads – iJS Magazine
Trends in JavaScript Development
Welcome to the second issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference.
For this issue of our JavaScript Magazine, we aimed to provide you the newest trends in JavaScript Development. What is the next step on the way to free choice of technology for web applications? What possibilities of the new feature of webpack 5 offers? The most important features in React at a glance, release of Angular v10 and a lot more into the JavaScript universe awaits you in this issue of our magazine!