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Svelte – a new Star is rising

Welcome to the third issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference.

In the State of JS 2020, Svelte is the winner in the category of most interesting frontend frameworks for the second time in a row. Moreover, in the new report it places first in user satisfaction and fourth in frequency of use. Svelte needed some time to get noticed, but now it is in the spotlight. Why Svelte is so exciting and how to get started with it, you will learn in this issue of JavaScript Magazine.

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Downloads – iJS Magazine

Svelte – a new Star is rising

Welcome to the third issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference.

In the State of JS 2020, Svelte is the winner in the category of most interesting frontend frameworks for the second time in a row. Moreover, in the new report it places first in user satisfaction and fourth in frequency of use. Svelte needed some time to get noticed, but now it is in the spotlight. Why Svelte is so exciting and how to get started with it, you will learn in this issue of JavaScript Magazine.

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Third issue of JavaScript Magazine

Welcome to the third issue of JavaScript Magazine, presented by International JavaScript Conference.

In the State of JS 2020, Svelte is the winner in the category of most interesting frontend frameworks for the second time in a row. Moreover, in the new report it places first in user satisfaction and fourth in frequency of use. Svelte needed some time to get noticed, but now it is in the spotlight. Why Svelte is so exciting and how to get started with it, you will learn in this issue of JavaScript Magazine.

Please choose the location you would like to receive our newsletter for and download the JavaScript Magazine #3 for free.
Register to our newsletter and download the JavaScript Magazine #3 for free.
Register to our newsletter and download the JavaScript Magazine #3 for free.
Register to our newsletter and download the JavaScript Magazine #3 for free.